For those few randoms who do read my blog, you may have noted I am a bit of a scaredy cat. To top that off, I am also not the biggest fan of sports..... particularly water sports (Ok....except wet bikes and tanning of course).
I briefly touch on these phantom phobia's in Swamp Girl, so I do find it a bid odd that I am about to learn to dive.
The ONLY reason that I have even considered this - is because I finally allowed one of my favourite friends in the whole wide to talk me into doing it. (Ok... it did take a WHOLE year of convincing I might add, but who is counting).
I just completed my online PADI e-learning, which is the the starting point to getting my open water diving course done. About 14 hours of online theory which is a pain in the rear I might add for anyone who hates textbooks.
And now...in 48 hours, I will be starting my pool sessions and then if all goes well, I am off to Sipadan in Malaysia in Jan for a 6 day diving/volunteer holiday.
Now I must confess that I have already had near black-outs from worry while learning about what can go wrong underwater, but I know than soon I will be posting some underwater pics online, if I'm not eaten alive by any kreepy krawlies.
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