Everyone is always telling me to settle down, have a kid, do less fundraising, stop moving countries find one hobby and basically to stop being creative and adventurous.
Now I must admit that I like a lot of different things - doesn't everyone? .....I like to do whatever I feel like doing when I feel like doing it - I like writing & painting & babysitting & singing & eating & plants & reading & movies & making things & acting & window-shopping & dreaming & doing stuff & finding more interesting things to do. OK!!!! - That's just the start to what makes up the whole of me. I get it all the time from strangers, friends and family. You do too much. You're involved in too much. blah blah blah
Now ONE person gets me in life and I have known her for 5 years and she has never said "woah, slow down kiddo" and funnily enough, she is my biggest fan of my 3 chapter blog - which is another thing I recently started doing.
Her last e-mail to me was something like this: "I can't wait for the next episode of your adventure. Please let me know as soon as you write your blog, I'm fascinated to hear what you are up to next."
These words are words that writers hunger and wait for. Adoring fans to be moved by their work...
My adoring fan is my mother in law.
She recently e-mailed me while on a trip from Johannesburg to Cape Town visiting her daughter for a much needed break. What did she do when she arrived? She asked her daughter how to open and read my blog. (Hopefully after first unpacking and saying "Hi" I hope). Now I like a person with priorities and for someone in their 50's who is only just learning the ways of the interweb and a laptop - well I am so pleased that on her holiday she would make it a priority to find out how to view the URL to my blog that I mail her because she has found it so fascinating (all three posts).
Some advice to all those folks who are also told to take a breath and do one thing at a time. Bollocks - you can do much more than you can ever imagine - so JUST DO IT. Write, laugh, create, move, dance, sleep, snore, eat and do it all over again and even at the same time. If I dropped what I was doing everytime some unmotivated person tried to palm their demotivation onto me - I'd be incredibly bored by now.
Thanks to my second mum for always cheering me on. It means the world to me.
Now get busy people. Do some stuff you never ever thought you'd do. Just for the hell of it.
Oh and then of course you need to take long holidays in between episodes of busy-ness - REF: My first blog "My Melancholy Cay"
Ag Cute!!