5 years ago, I used to shout. "Use your bloody indicator, you twat"! Now I yell the same words and realise I have not used mine. That's what Dubai does to you, you become a bad driver and don't even realise it.
Yesterday my husband and I were on the way to a brunch in the back of a cab and I had a latte in my hand. As we drove down a relatively quiet residential street, another cab driver came careening from a slip road almost smashing into us. Phil was on the side of possible impact, I was on the island side of the road with lamp post that could split my skull in two. In a split second, Phil braced for impact and tried to brake with his foot suddenly thinking he was driving, while I calmly assessed all possible crash angles and tried to hold my latte upright so it did not spill.
What we do in the moment when we could possibly lose our lives. We pump a fake brake and try and rescue our coffee. Priorities