This month I lose two friends.
I recently made contact with Pepe Marais after a few years of silence and we shared blogs
Gosh I don’t think I knew how to use a computer or even had a mobile when I started working for him at the Cape Town branch of Joe Public in 1999. And now we are both blogging!
I started as a receptionist and then a few months later got bumped to traffic manager when they called me in and said ”I was organized” and would I consider training to manage the workflow of the creatives. (This was all done while being a cocktail waitress to actually support having my own flat at 19 in Cape Town, which was virtually impossible on a start up salary with no work experience except for years of babysitting and working as a waitress in school!)
I realized why I loved working for him while reading the “scribbles from his mind”, my favourite – the one he wrote on people
Apart from that, generally all Pepe’s posts and the overall truthful insights about our fears and behavior changes we all face if we are committed to grow were great to read. To have someone openly share their humanity online - a businessman featured in May edition of Leadership magazine was humbling.
I just realized how lucky I have been to be surrounded by inspiring people in every place I have worked at (well almost!).
I hope I can be as honest and truthful to myself and those around me as he has been in his work and personal life.
Missing the Joe crew after a trip down memory lane! The pic was taken in 2000 when we went to Ratanga Junction on a team-building day.
Contact: info@youthcareentre.org
All proceeds go towards www.youthcarecentre.orgThis week I experienced two moments which showed me how much it means to go the extra mile in everything you do. It shows you CARE.
Make what you do everyday MEAN something to you.
I took my jeep in to have the aircon refilled with gas and the service attendant told me afterwards my doors were really squeaky and he had oiled both of them.
Yes this squeak had been bugging me for months, but this gentleman cared enough to do it out of courtesy without me asking.
The second person is my hair dresser in one of the small Lebanese places I pop in for a wash and blowdry. Even after being on her feet for 12 hours, she still manages to make me feel as if I am her first customer of the day – she loves my hair and as I have tons of it, most cringe at the thought of spending 45 minutes tackling the mane!. Yet she loves spending time making it look beautiful and even when I want to rush out to end it the session – she stills says – “no serum…please sit down, not finished”