I feel like a school marm writing this blog, but it’s something I feel strongly about.
Now don’t get me wrong – I’m no saint...
I’ve had my days of being a wild child. Luckily at some point it all changed and I found my moral compass buried deep inside and my frivolous phase passed.
I still get the odd comment from old friends "hey where’s wild Heather gone- it’s just not the same you".
It’s such normal behavior for many people especially in Cape Town, my mother city. You just get rowdy and rude and have fun – but alas every girl has to settle down!
And we come to the present.
What inspired this blog was reading another blog. Written by a mad, wild voluptuous woman in the fashion industry. She is well endowed with a very nice pair of babylons.
These particular babylons are obviously not from mother nature - the DDs were manufactured. So wild, sexy voluptuous lady, who obviously calls herself a “feminist” wears her babylons proudly under skimpy shirts and displays them everyday in an industry that does not call for modest clothing.
And then I hear she complains that strangers on facebook say “nice t*ts” and slates them with foul language for what …..NOTICING them? How can you NOT?! Even I notice them!
What exactly is the reason for making these wonderful endowments in the first place, unless of course you are going to cover them up in more modest shirts and they were really for your own personal appeal. Sorry for the poor guy who just spoke his mind, but clearly you did not make these hooters to not be noticed. Ok he did cross the line and was a bit blunt, but you get my point.
Second Case Study:
Another wonderfully voluptuous advertising executive who has a tendency to always wear the shortest dresses and when sitting down exposes her knickers for anyone sitting opposite to notice. And a slight bend at the water cooler gives the unsuspecting person behind a rather full view.
When management comments that her skirt is completely see-through and may not be appropriate for the office – the response is mock embarrassment “Oh my word, I am so embarrassed, I can’t believe this - I never knew it was THAT see through!! Thanks for pointing it out” and proceeds to tie a jersey around her waist and arrives at the office the next day in what looks like a shirt passing off as a dress again.
And then comments from the skirt-less lady post meetings follow something along the lines of “I don’t like meeting with that client, because he always looks at my legs and makes me feels uncomfortable – it’s like sexual harassment”
I just feel like HEADBUTTING women like this.
Come on, every woman knows EXACTLY what she is revealing – you can’t be that stupid to NOT know you are flash republic when sitting down.
If you CHOOSE to flaunt it then be prepared to be looked at. If you don’t want to, cover your damn self up and you will have nothing to complain about!! Personally I prefer to cover up.
I mean how exactly can you call yourself a feminist - it just does not make logical sense to me.
RANT out