I've started my month long holiday. Whoohoo.
Today I walked down the red carpet at the Dubai International Film Festival.
Ok it was at 10 am to collect my industry accreditation badge today; the long carpet was only half finished being laid down; and it was all being done amidst a Dubai sandstorm at The Madinat Jumeirah, so all in all NOT that thrilling.
I did for a moment imagine what it must be like to really walk down one before I got to the end of the carpet which was still being rolled out by two Philippino men. They looked at me with a look of "get off the carpet can't you see we are busy here - walk down the side like all the other plebs".
Sheesh - If looks could kill. I wonder if most people wonder what it must be like to be famous at some point in their lives. I do. A lot. I think it's about being recognized and moving people with something that you do - more so than actual paparazzi fame.
What people think intrigues me. I know a girl who has sexual connotations to everything she says and she told me the other day that she thinks the same thing about everyone she sees or meets. "I wonder what they would be like in bed". Imagine having a brain like that - too wierd. It would be exhausting! I'm happier thinking about doing award-winning producing or acting and a fantasy red carpet with flashing cameras adoring me.
Anyway back to the real red carpet stars. Meryl Streep says in her "Inside the Actor's Studio" interview that acting is about "vanity". I agree and as Lamya Tafik, a veiled Eqyptian comedienne (who lives in Dubai) says, "applause is addictive". All so very true. True for anything in life that makes you feel good about what you do and gives you personal and public recognition.
This week (week 1 of my 4 week holiday, YES let me rub it in!) I am doing a 4 day acting course. It's with Michelle Danner - a hollywood acting coach and I guess overlapping with the Dubai Film Festival - my head is in the clouds about the red carpet.
I've been doing a variety of acting, radio drama and comedy classes over the past 12 months and I just graduated from a 9 week stand up comedy course which was loads of fun. I did not invite any friends to come and see my performance, because I was too scared I'd not be funny, but I was really funny and wished you had all been there. I should be getting a link to my 12 minute skit which I will share when I have it. It's all about being rasied by hippies and just mentioning the word marijuana in Dubai either gets you arrested or lots of nervous laughter, so I guess I had a headstart at being funny because I talk about marijuana ALOT in my show.
Watch Meryl Streep's interview here (part 1 of 5) on youTUBE or read about Lamya's story about being a veiled stand up comedienne in Dubai.
By the way - Meryl Streep is phenomenal in Julie and Julia. You gotta watch it.
See you soon from the real red carpet....Maybe